Subject: Computer Science
Set - A
Class: 12
FM: 50
Time: 2 hrs.

Group – A Multiple Choice Questions (1*9=9)

1. Which of the following is the basic structure of SQL to create table in data
a. CREATE table (field1 data_type, field2 data_type,……)
b. CREATE table table_name (field1 data_type, field2 data_type,……)
c. CREATE table table_data (field1 data_type, field2 data_type,……)
d. All of the above
2. Which of the following is not example of DML(Data Manipulation Language)? 
3. Computer Network is
a. Collection of hardware components and computers
b. Interconnected by communication channels
c. Sharing of resources and information
d. All of the Above
4. …………………………… is not the phase of waterfall model.
a. Requirement analysis
b. Testing
c. Build prototype
d. Maintenance
5. Which of the following syntax is correct to embed JavaScript to HTML?
a. <script type=”text/javascript”></script>
b. <script language type=”text/javascript”></script>
c. <script type=”text/javascript language”></script>
d. All of the above
6. The prevention of data from unauthorized access is…………….
a. Data security
b. Data integrity
c. Data misuse
d. All of above
7. The delivery of computing services over the internet rather than having local
servers or personal devices handle applications is called…………………
a. Cloud Computing
b. Analog Computing
c. Mobile Computing
d. All of the above
8. A variable which holds memory address of another variable is…………………….
a. Function
b. Pointer
c. Array
d. Structure
9. Binding the data with the code that manipulates it is ………………….
a. Polymorphism
b. Encapsulation
c. Inheritance
d. Abstraction

Group – B Short Question Answers (5*5=25)

1. Explain Cloud Computing with its characteristics.
2. What is DBMS? Write its advantages and disadvantages.
What is normalization? Write its advantages.
3. WAP to display largest among three numbers using JavaScript.
4. Explain OOP with its features.
5. Explain SDLC with its phases.

Group – C: Long Question Answers (8*2=16)

1. Explain guided and unguided transmission media with its types.
2. WAP to input name and address of 10 employees and sort them in ascending
alphabetic order according to their name.
WAP to enter name, roll no and marks of 10 students and store them in a file.

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