NEB Computer Model Set Question for 12

NEB Computer Model Set Question for 12

SET Questions

Group "A' Multiple Choice Questions)
Tick the best alternative. (got =9)
I._______ is composed of records and fields that hold data.
a. Field     b.Record               c. File                d. Table
2. Key which is a column that creates a relationship between two tables.    a. Primary Key b. Foreign Key
c. Candidate key                                 d. Super key
3. The correct query to update the record from table name STUDENT with fields id, roll, name :
UPDATE student put roll=150 where id=1;
UPDATE student set roll=150 where id =1
UPDATE student SET roll=150 WHERE id=1;
UPDATE student roll=150 WHERE id=1;
4. Hardware component without which a computer cannot be connected over a network.
a. Modem b. Router          c. NIC d. Bridge                                                                        

5. There are two general areas in FIT111, document where JavaScript can be


  1. Between <head> or <body>

  2. Between <title> or <body>

  3. Between <body> or <title>

  4. None of the above

  1. What will be the output of the following code snippet?     

<script type=”text/javascript”>  

a = s +  “9”;



 a,  Compilation Error b. Runtime Error

c. 14 d. 59

7. What is the output for this program?


Void main ()  {

int a=5; 

int *x=&a; 


  1. 5
  2. Memory address of x 
  3. Memory address of a
  4. null

8 In this phase the software checks for bugs and verifies its performance before delivery to users.

a. Requirement Collection b. Design

c. Development d. Testing

9. PHP refers to

a. Hyper High Program                        b. Hypertext Pre-processor

c. Hyper Pre-processor d. Hypertext Processor

Group B

Short Answer Questions

  1. What is normalization? Explain 2NF and 3NF with example.

What is SQL? Demonstrate the basic DDL statement with an example.
  1. What is JavaScript? Write a function to multiply any two numbers in JavaScript.


What is CSS? Demonstrate the external CSS implemented in the web Page.

  1. What is OOP? Explain any four features of OOPs.

  2. What is SDLC? Explain different stages of SDLC.

  3. Describe the concept of AI and IoT.

Group C

Long Answer Questions (2 x 8 =16)

  1. What is OSI reference model? Explain different layers of OSI reference model.
  2. Write a program to enter roll, name, address and marks of 20 students and display only students who has marks greater than 60 in proper format.


Write a program to store empid, name and address  of 100 employees in data file employee.dat and also read the content from data file

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