Group - A Multiple Choice Questions (1*9=9)

  1. Which of these is the correct order of the SDLC?

  1. Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, Implementation 

  2. Analysis, Design, Testing, Implementation, Coding

  3. Design, Testing, Implementation, Coding, Analysis 

  4. Coding, Analysis, Design, Testing, Implementation

2.  A topology in which all nodes are connected with a central hub............... 

  1. Bus 

  2. Star 

  3. Tree 

  4. Mesh 

3.  A variable which holds memory address of next variable is called.... 

(a) Function 

(b) Pointer 

(с) Агтау 

(d) Structure 

4. ………………. means using the Internet and the web for education. 

a. E-medicine 

b. E-education 

c. E-health 

d. E-commerce 

5. a process where you show only "relevant" data and "hide" unnecessary details of an object from the user. 

(a) Abstraction 

(b) Polymorphism 

(c) Inheritance 

(d) Encapsulation 

6. Which of the following is an example of full duplex mode of communication......? 

a. Mobile Phone 

b. Walkie-Talkie 

c. Radio 

d. All of above 

7. The key that identifies each record uniquely, is called 

a. Primary Key 

b. Record Key 

c. Unique Key 

d. Keyword 

8. PHP stands for 

a. Hypertext preprocessor 

b. Preprocessor Hypertext 

c. Pre hypertext processor

d. All of the above 

9. What of the following is the correct syntax to Display "Nepal" in an alert box using JavaScript? 

a. alert-box("Nepal"); 

b. alert("Nepal");

c. confirm("Nepal"); 

d. All of the Above 

Group B Short Question Answers (5*5=25)

  1. What is DBMS? Write some advantages and disadvantages of 


Differentiate between Centralized and Distributed Database.

  1. WAP to calculate difference of two numbers using JavaScript. 


Differentiate between Client-Side Scripting and Server-Side Scripting. 

  1. What is Cloud Computing? Write some advantages of Cloud Computing. 

  2. Explain the term abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. 

  3. Explain SDLC with necessary diagram. 

Group-C: Long Question Answers (8*2=16)

  1. Define Communication System and explain each component of communication system with necessary diagram. Explain simplex, half duplex and full duplex mode of communication. 

  2. WAP to input name and address of 5 employees and sort them in descending alphabetic order according to their name. 


WAP to open a new file and read rollno, name, address and phone number of students until the user says "no", after reading the data, write it to the file and display the content of the file.

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