Computer Practical Questions-NEB- Class 12-Computer Practical Questions

Computer Practical Questions

Q.N. 1) WAP to display the biggest number among 10 given number by using array of structure.
Q.N.2) WAP to display the given 10 numbers in ascending order by storing in array.
Q.N.3)  WAP to ask name and salary of 10 employees and display the records of those employees whose salary is more than 50k.
Q.N.4) WAP to ask name, age, designation and salary of 5 employees and display them in the screen after storing them in sequential data file "emp.log".
Q.N 5)  Write PHP code to connect database "student_info".
Q.N 6)   Write the JavaScript code to display the sum of 2 given numbers by using "prompt" function.
Q.N.7) Write the PHP code to display the biggest number among 3 assigned numbers.
Q.N.8)  Write the SQL statement to display all records of the table "stu_detail" database "student_info".
Q.N.9)   WAP to display the sum of two given numbers by using the function.
Q.N.10)  WAP to display the product of two given numbers by using function with return value.
Q.N. 11)  WAP to display the biggest number among 3 given numbers by using function with return value.
Q.N. 12) WAP to display the all records of data file "info.log" where name, age, address, salary and designation of 50 employees are stored.
Q.N.13) WAP to calculate and display the factorial of given number by using recursive function.
Q.N. 14 ) WAP to check if the given number is odd or even by using function with parameter and return value.
Q.N. 15) WAP to calculate the area of rectangle by using function.

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