Sample Questions for the first terminal-2081

1) Define the database with its advantages and disadvantages.
2) Differentiate between centralize and distributed databses.
3) Who is DBA and what are his roles and responsiblities?
4) Who is Database Analyst?
5) Describe various keys used in table.

Long question
1) Explain different models used in the database.

1) Explain any 2 events used in JavaScript by explaining the significance of the event in JavaScript.
2) Wap to add 2 given numbers in JS.
3) Wap to find the biggest number among 3 given numbers in JS.
4) Explain JS with its types.

1)Explain serverside scripting.
2)WAP to connect database "personal".
3) WAP to accept the form values in PHP that contains username, password and Dob with submit value.
3) WAP to extract all the records of table "info" from the database "personal".

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